Imagine a world where sport has the potential to create equal opportunities for all.

The future is unpredictable and complex. In addition to numerous challenges, crises also offer opportunities for change. In order to be able to react adequately to these changes, innovative and agile solutions are needed that boldly break new ground.

We are Breaking Grounds. With our projects, we promote social change through sport in Austria.

Breaking Grounds is the basis for various projects in the field of »Sport for Social Change«. With our innovative concepts we show: Sport has the power to change the world.

This means: We create opportunities where disadvantaged people have a voice and can develop. We take the social reality of our participants seriously. Through our participatory approach in all our projects, we support them in gaining awareness of their strengths, such as perseverance, independence and adaptability, and in confidently using their talents. Sport serves as a tool and a common language. As a motivator to get to know themselves better in active cooperation and to discover individual perspectives.

Breaking Grounds stands for an innovative and agile form of learning. Curiosity and agility also characterise our self-image as a learning organisation: we are constantly developing ourselves and our programmes, breaking new ground and setting new standards. Because only by not stopping to learn from each other can we make the future fairer and more liveable for all.


… accompanied young people in the year 2023.


… years of experience in the field of sport and development.


… national and international awards.

+ 9 Trained Youth Leaders + 40 Hours Programme + 448 Participants + 7 Teams + 5 Locations + 197 Trainings + 44 Friendly Matches and Tournaments + 25 Activities + 9 Trained Youth Leaders + 40 Hours Programme + 448 Participants + 7 Teams + 5 Locations + 197 Trainings + 44 Friendly Matches and Tournaments + 25 Activities + 9 Trained Youth Leaders + 40 Hours Programme + 448 Participants + 7 Teams + 5 Locations + 197 Trainings + 44 Friendly Matches and Tournaments + 25 Activities

Empowering Youth through Football

Kicken ohne Grenzen is an innovative education project that, through various football-based offers, motivates young people to be active, empowers them, and supports them in the development of their own potential. Open, free football-training sessions in different neighbourhoods and at schools that have increased support requirements serve as the initial landing point and safe space where young people feel they belong and are valued.

+ 1.355. Participants + 155 Workshops in Middle Schools and Football Clubs + 113 Multipliers + 1.355. Participants + 155 Workshops in Middle Schools and Football Clubs + 113 Multipliers + 1.355. Participants + 155 Workshops in Middle Schools and Football Clubs + 113 Multipliers

Social Learning through Sports

Life Goals is a sports-based support programme for school classes and sports clubs to strengthen personality as well as social and metacognitive skills. The project boosts young people’s confidence in their own strengths and their belief that they can handle difficult situations and challenges successfully by themselves.

+ 12 Youth Leaders + 15 000 young people reached + 600 printed toolkits + 200 organisations supported + 12 Youth Leaders + 15 000 young people reached + 600 printed toolkits + 200 organisations supported + 12 Youth Leaders + 15 000 young people reached + 600 printed toolkits + 200 organisations supported

Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

The project »Game Changers – Developing the Next Generation of Leaders« empowers youth at risk of poverty, discrimination and exclusion to shape their lives effectively and thus promote social participation. The objective of the project is the development of a football-based toolkit and the implementation of a Youth Leaders Week that empowers Youth Leaders to use football activities as a tool for promoting inclusion, diversity and equality in their communities. Youth Leaders help shape the development of the toolkit, take on responsibility in their organisations and act as role models.

+ 12 Youth Leaders + 15 000 young people reached + 600 printed toolkits + 200 organisations supported + 12 Youth Leaders + 15 000 young people reached + 600 printed toolkits + 200 organisations supported + 12 Youth Leaders + 15 000 young people reached + 600 printed toolkits + 200 organisations supported

Be Brave – Become Strong

»Strong Moves – Be Brave, Become Strong« promotes the mental well-being of Viennese pupils through sport and supports teachers in creating a safe, anxiety-free school atmosphere. Workshops in secondary schools aim to develop potential and make a lasting contribution to overcoming psychological challenges. The project thus lays the foundation for a healthier population and improved coexistence in Vienna.

Our Team


Aaron Hiebeler, Lina Helms, Mahdi Bahrami (Youth Leader), Karina Lackner, Alois Gstöttner, Sarah Wagner, Ingo Bergmann, Ilia Kainta, Miriam Laurin-Windisch, Florian Kuhn, Melina Falk, Alise Böni, Rolf

Our Values

Innovation comes from learning.

As a learning organisation, we embrace agility and innovation, constantly seeking new knowledge and ideas to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Equal opportunities for all.

We are committed to promoting equality, gender equity, and embracing diversity to ensure that everyone has the chance to thrive and succeed.

Transparency is fundamental.

We are dedicated to maintaining transparency in all our endeavors, prioritizing authenticity in our communication, and upholding integrity and reliability as foundational values guiding our actions.

Belonging unfolds enthusiasm.

In our programs, we strive to create a strong sense of community, where individuals feel a true sense of belonging. Everyone has a voice, contributes meaningfully, and is an essential part of a greater collective, all driven by a shared enthusiasm for sport.

Participation fosters potential.

We believe in enabling learning through active participation, ensuring our offerings are closely aligned with the needs of all participants.

»The organisation's commitment to help young people from disadvantaged communities integrate into Austria's society is inspiring. The organisation's holistic approach, using football as its main tool, makes Breaking Grounds a recognised leader in the field of education through sport.«

— Jürgen Griesbeck, Founder of Common Goal / Streetfootballworld


Breaking Grounds
Castelligasse 9/106

1050 Vienna, Austria

T: +43 677 628 110 36